Someone once told me I was delusional. I almost fell off of my unicorn.

Category Archives: Randomocity

The weather here in Jacksonville has been retarded lately.
It has been hopping from 70 to 50 degrees overnight, not exaggerating. I swear the weathermen are just throwing random numbers into the forecast because they’re predictions are completely inaccurate every single day. I seriously have no idea how to dress for the day until I actually step [...]

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The last two weeks may have possibly been the most boring two weeks of my life ever. All that’s happened is a flu that struck conveniently two days before the 18th annual celebration of my successful trips around the sun, so I spent my birthday in bed, mostly fighting fevers, moaning, and wishing I was [...]

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First off, I refuse to talk about the election.

Yes I am still alive. My lopsided legness has not cost me my life, yet, and after three weeks of physical therapy I am finally done with all that.

Of course, Gabe(who recently turned 12, happy birthday dude) did just sprain/fracture his foot. Poor kid is on crutches [...]

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Yesterday we managed to find a time between the rain and thundering to take an hour or so trip to the beach to play in the sand. It was super windy and the beach had been labeled with a red flag so we decided just to play in the sand and bury each other.
And that’s [...]

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So I started running.
This is only like the twelfth time I’ve been like “Yes I’m going to start running and it will be awesome and I will run every day and become epic.” and then it turns into “I am never doing this ever again ever.”
I don’t like running that much. Or at all. Yeah [...]

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Okay I’m back with a cup of hot tea sitting on the table next to me. I really have no idea what I’m going to post about. I was just like “Hey, I need to post.” so I’m doing it, all the while sitting here going “What am I even posting about?” So here’s just [...]

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The awesome shirt I designed in honor of the best TV show ever made that I have been raving about to the unfortunate everybody who knows me finally came in! I did a jig on the front porch and mom laughed and made fun of me but whatever because I have been waiting for this [...]

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I was playing four square today with three of the boys around the neighborhood, Connor, Donald, and Chris. My brudders were inside eating dinner. Out of nowhere this kid who I’ve never seen before comes up, about 13 or 14 is my guess, and asks to play with us. Donald obviously knew him and was [...]

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Just a few minutes ago I got a notification telling me that Zooey Deschanel, who is possibly the most awesome actress who ever existed(second maybe to Audrey Hepburn), had “liked” my pin on Pinterest. MY pin. Zooey. The totally cool actress. Liked. My pin. On Pinterest. Whaaaat!
Best day ever.
I mean, that’s totally awesome. Because Zooey [...]

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I am picky about my movies. ESPECIALLY when it’s a book-to-movie. The only book-to-movie that I’d read before I saw it and really liked was…Little Women. That was a pretty good transition, even though I’ve never been a fan of the actual story.
And The Princess Bride. That was a pretty good book-to-movie, even though I [...]

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