Someone once told me I was delusional. I almost fell off of my unicorn.

Category Archives: Uncategorized

And here’s a video of me playing the theme.

0 I Heart This

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So people, I guess its come to this.
Okay, I’m probably not dying.
But this cramp thing in my side is REALLY killing me.
But it’s okay because I have a kitty all curled up against me right now.
He’s so cute.
Anyway. Back to me almost dying.
Actually, its not that bad. Its been off and on pretty painful for [...]

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0 I Heart This

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Skylar and I had a major water fight today. Then mom tried to get pictures. And it went like this.
First picture: Mom tries to take photo and Skylar squirts me right in the ear.
I attack.

Second picture: I block all water exits on his gun.

Fifth picture: I get squirted and defend myself again. And [...]

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UPDATE: Well, we’re on the road again. Turns out that other guy just didn’t have the right battery amperage or something to start a giant van. But right after I wrote that update this super nice not-loser not-jerk came up and was really awesomely helpful and got it started. It was great. All the [...]

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Ello blogaddicts. Today I am sick. As I was yesterday.
So that’s how my day has been. I woke up and made breakfast and then promptly went back to my sleeping chambers and passed out for two more hours.
And then I woke up [...]

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As I was sitting down to once again stare at a blank post and wonder for half an hour what the heck I should write, I saw something on my dashboard. My blog statistics.
My mouth fell to the floor as I stared at the numbers before me.
I immediately knew I had to share. Mostly because [...]

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I’m eating popcorn right now. It’s heavenly.
Like I’m not even joking. This is the best bag of popcorn I’ve ever eaten.

This is me on January 9th of 2010, almost two years ago. And also my professional photo-bombing friend, Danny.
This is me about 3 hours ago.

Yep there’s just a bit of a difference there. I mean [...]

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Before we moved to Milton I thought I was short. Both of my two friends in Colfax were taller than me. Then I moved here and I met Lizzy and Katy.

The realization that I was not the shortest girl on the planet was a defining moment in my life. It wasn’t until around 9 months [...]

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Okay. I’ll admit it.
I’m a procrasinator.

I’ve been thinking to myself for the last like 4 days weeks that I really need to post on this blog. It is kinda difficult to find time, though, between blogging on my review blog, reading, blogging on Katy’s and my book blog, finishing up school, and keeping the house [...]

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