Someone once told me I was delusional. I almost fell off of my unicorn.

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They got home today. First message I get from Christin? “Kait I’m home and so happy I can hang out with you because you’re the most awesome person ever!” was not it.
This was.

Mischief: Achieved.
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Clifford: Hey Kait, why did the Gators cross the road?
Me: Clifford, I don’t want to hear this.
Clifford: Kait. Kait. Why did they? Why did the Gators cross the road?
Me: Cliffy I-
Clifford: Because they couldn’t cross the goal line. OHHHHHH BURN.
*insert fist fight*

So I’ve really gotten into football lately. It may lead to my death [...]

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It all started with Michael Jackson.
Researching him, that is.
You see, I have always had Michael Jackson painted in my head as this bad, crazy nuthead. I don’t know why. I grew up in the decade before his death, when he was at his worst. All I remembered was this pasty guy with long black hair [...]

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I like superheroes.
It’s kind of a new realization for me. But for the last decade or so as superheroes have once again come into fandom, I have become increasingly aware that I get into this crazy superhero high whenever I see a new superhero movie. Unless it’s Spiderman. I never liked Spiderman. Why are they [...]

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So pretty much Dad brought home a ginormous box of peppermint patties sometime in the winter, which naturally sent me into a fit of excitement, and proceeded to inform me that we could NOT have them because they were for some something at work. Or something.
It was horrible.
Every time I went to get something out [...]

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The few, the proud, the awesome will understand.

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Hold a baby cheetah.
Get engaged. Get married. Have a marriage more beautiful than the wedding.
Travel to another country.
Tour the U.K. Or at least go to England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Oh wait…
Go to theĀ GalapagosĀ Islands.
Own a Mini Cooper. This IS going to happen people.
Build a tree house.
Go to a drive-in movie.
Visit all 50 of the [...]

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My friend Katy is hosting a giveaway over here on her book blog. It’s for these super cute necklaces that you can get your name engraved on, so make sure to head over there and enter!

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