Well, I’ve been doing school. Physical Science is killing me but I’m plugging along; understanding more each day. I hope to finish highschool by March. If I’m lucky, I’ll be.done by February when Mom’s baby is due — but with the way things are playing out, I think it’s going to be closer to.March.

I’ve also been reading as much as I can. Along with keeping up on Book Ponderings, Katy’s and my book blog, I’ve been trying to write more reviews on my personal review blog, Reviews By Jane. Unfortunately, with how busy I’ve been with school, normal day activities, and trying to find time to write(explained further below), I haven’t been able to read as much as I’d like to. I can’t wait to be finished with school so I can read and write more. Only 3 more months! Hallelujah! ;-)

Another thing I’ve been busy with is writing. Katy and I have started a book currently called Scattered Tears and are spending every spare moment writing. Unfortunately I have less spare time than Katy — but like I said on the subject of reading, I can’t wait to finish school so I can use the hours I work on school for writing! Hopefully by summer or fall, we will be finished and going through the many editing processes that follow finishing the final chapter. Katy has been a WONDERFUL writing companion and I couldn’t imagine writing this novel with anyone else — she has so many great ideas and is really easy going when it comes to changing ideas and such. Its been so much fun and I can’t wait to see how the story ends! :-D

I’m about to start a study on the book of 1 Timothy. I love this book of the Bible and can’t wait to read through it and study it!

Of course we are all anticipating the arrival of our next sibling — who mom really thinks is a girl. We are having a home birth, so that will be a new experience; and for the first time ever, I’ll be able to be there during the birth of the baby! :-D

Well that’s about all that’s going on in my life right now. I can’t wait to go to Milton in a few weeks and go to one of my friend’s wedding, have a friend reunion, and have tons of fun! Hopefully we’ll be able to visit all our friends while we’re there(that means you, Mrs. J! We’ve GOT to get together!).

Anywho, that’s what’s going on in the life of Kait, a.k.a Jane, a.k.a Janie, a.k.a Annie, a.k.a Kat, etc etc. ;-)

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