Friday Saturday Sunday
Partly Cloudy
49° F | 27° F
Mostly Cloudy
49° F | 32° F
Ice Pellets
43° F | 31° F
Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Ice Pellets

80% chance of precipitation
Thursday Night
Cloudy. Chance of rain in the evening…then light sleet…rain and snow likely after midnight.
Light accumulations of sleet and snow possible late. Lows in the mid 30s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
Chance of precipitation 70 percent.
Snow and light sleet. Light accumulations of sleet and snow possible in the morning.
Highs in the mid 40s.
Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph becoming 5 to 15 mph in the afternoon.
Chance of precipitation 80 percent.
Friday Night
Cloudy. Slight chance of snow in the evening. Little to no additional accumulation expected.
 Lows 29 to 34.
Chance of snow 20 percent.

This is just not right. Snow…Florida…they just don’t mix.  Though, I must say, if it’s going to be cold, there’d better be snow. I’m just getting what I wanted…or am I? Snow means that everything is going to shut down, so we won’t ba able to go get anything we need. Sleet means that outside is off limits due to the death sicles falling out of the sky. 31 degrees means lots of hot chocolate and friends coming to steal it. And cookies. We can’t forget the cookies. Cookies rock, for goodness sake!
So…we’ll see what happens. Maybe we’ll just get a bunch of cold and wet rain…but maybe we’ll get some of that oh so wonderful white stuff.

By the way; is it just me, or does the phrase “Ice Pellets” make you think of the sky pooping?

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