My awesomely gracious friend, Victoria, offered to take me shopping with her and her family yesterday in Pensacola. There are 3 kids, Victoria(18 next November), Spencer(shudder)(13), and Andrew(9, I think).
Considering I absolutely adore their family, I naturaly said yes. That was a great desision on my part. 
 We started at Wal-mart. We had to seperate ’cause Mr. and Mrs. White-a-rooskie were Christmas shopping for Andrew of Spencer(shudder) or somebody. Victoria and I went around looking for a Christmas present for my dad. The two boys trailed behind us, often times stopping to look at some technology gadget. We never found what we were looking for. *sob
Next we went to the mall, Mr. White-a-rookie’s favorite…not. We got lunch there, and the White-a-rooskies generously refused to let me pay for my own food. I really like them. But I have a funny story about lunch.
First off, of course, we went around and tried all of the free samples that the resturants had out. We were trying to decide what to have when we come to the last resturant. There was a nice Chinese, or Japanese(I don’t know which), standing there giving out different types of chicken. “Oooh, yes. You have some of dis. Dis spicy, yes you like it? Try so of dis. Di spicy pepper chicken. It good. you no need to buy big meal, you buy kids meal. Big meal costs bug bucks.” The lady was saying. Victoria and I had a piece of each and were about to leave when she points to the buffet where people are ordering and says “You go try, it good. Try some. We have lots of stuff.” She says. The guys behind the counter serving the food starts to shout across the room “Come try! Yes, you like it. Come try!” Victoria and I just looked at each other. After the lady told us to go try again, Little Star and I walked up to the buffet and took what the man had to offer. We then returned to where the rest of the family stood, near the sample lady. Upon our return, the lady says “You gonna eat here? We have lots of food.” Victoria replies “I’ll talk to my parents and see what they say.”
We later felt guilty, for we did not decide to eat at Brickey’s Grill. We all ate at a different place, Victoria and I first going to the Chinese restaurant where she was ordering. That was kinda funny, for Victoria couldn’t understand most of what the lady was saying. I had pizza next door. I’m not a Chinese person. I just like their meat.  Mexican and Italian is more my taste.
Afterwards we went to the opposite end of the mall and stopped at Belks. Victoria and Mrs. White-a-rooskies looked at purses while Spencer(shudder), Andrew, and I traded riddles back and forth. After a little while Victoria rejoined us, and then we went and looked the hideous dresses they had. I don’t know who wear’s some of the dresses they have there, they were incredibly ugly. Ick.
After that we drove on over to Toys R Us, which is where we were for the folllowing 2 hours. After Victoria and I had roamed the entire store looking around at the toys and Spencer(shudder) looked at every Lego there, we got kinda bored. Bored.

3 bored teenagers+1 bored kid+2 mature teens trying to get a picture together+1 immature teenager with a foam boogie board+2 teenagers who are always bickering+Rubber balls=NOT GOOD.

We’re not going to go into that. It was catastrophic.
After Toys R Us, we went to Life Way. We were there for probably 15 minutes and then we left.
And last but not least, Sams. Of course the first thing we did was go around a taste all of the free samples. After that we went to the book section. Andrew, Spencer(shudder), and I read Diary’s of a Wimpy Kid, which are absolutely hilarious, and Victoria went and looked at clothes, though she did join us afterwards. We laughed through the book, and reluctantly put down the humorous book when Mr. and Mrs. White-a-rooskie were done shopping and called us to the checkout.
On our ride home, we talked about random things; the normal. We dropped Victoria off at some people’s house whom she was babysitting for. The White-a-rooskie’s then preceded to take me home.

I had a exuberantly splendiferousday. The White-a-rooskies are dear friends, and I cherish them greatly. So, to Victoria(Little Star), Spencer(The Hooded Caper), and Andrew(Mr. Sarcasm) and Mr. and Mrs. White-a-rooskie; you guys are really cool. I am so glad God put each of you in my life. Y’all are so special, and I pray God blesses all of y’all greatly. I plan to know you guys for the rest of my life…so prepare yourselves. (evil laugh)

God bless,
a.k.a Jane

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