Today’s writing prompt comes from Our Blessed Arrows. If you decide to participate in The Creative Word please leave a link to it in my comments- don’t worry about grammar, no body’s gonna judge you. It isn’t about perfection. I encourage you to write, even if it isn’t online. Write with a pen and paper. Write in the sand and then wipe it away. Be funny, be serious, open up your heart, be you and just write.

Here is today’s writing topic -Write about the biggest, or one of the biggest life changing events in your life.

Well, I think it was probably our move here and the most wonderfulest, influential, friends I’ve made since then.
We moved in at the end of June, 2008 and I was so upset that we were moving. Why, I have no idea. I hated Colfax, I guess it was family and my one friend, Megan, that I was going to miss. But anyhow, I was not happy. We got here, I loved the area, but was disappointed to see that there were no familys in the neighborhood with children over the age of 9. We searched around for Churches, and after many tries finally found a good church family. Our first visit there was awesome. After the normal potluck lunch, we hung out and met a bunch of people. In this group of many people, I met my great friends – Sarah and Victoria, We learned of and started going to a co-op, where I quickly made friends with Danny and Alex, and after having to stand in front of the entire co-op to be sung happy birthday to with Josh, who I didn’t know then, I met my now good friend Josh, and though Josh I met his sister, Lizzy, and through Lizzy I met her best friend, Katie. We’re all now great friends, and during co-op are never far apart. Lizzy is the great influence that taught me how to be in this world, but not of it, and Victoria’s influence has taught me that femininity is very important, and Katie taught me that you can still have fun even if you are a girl and wear skirts all time. :) And all those girls brothers have taught me what I need to teach my brothers!
So, I guess to sum it all up, I want to say thanks to all of my great friends who have and still influence my life every day. I love y’all!

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