Okay. I really need to catch up with my updates on volley ball.

Well, it isn’t a game anymore. And, it isn’t always fun anymore either. We are now a team, and a couple games of volley ball is now practice.

9:00am – 10:30am
We start out by running 2 laps around the small backyard of the church where we play. Then we do stretches, then we do exercises like lunges. 30 second water break. Then we do drills. You mess up, your running a lap. 30 second water break. Then we do more drills. You mess up, you do 5 push-ups. 30 second water break. More drills. 30 second water break. Then we play a single game. Done. Now we put up the net.

Now, as I was informed on Sunday, we have practices on Friday, too. Apparently they did more than practice. I heard about swimming, and kayaking, and paddle-boating. I never even knew. Too bad. It sounds like I missed a lot. :(

Well, I actually like the tough exercises. Though it is steaming hot, and you feel like your going to die of heat, I like it. Well, maybe I’ll ask Mrs. Smith or someone to take pictures of us during practice so you can see what we do.

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