A picture I took at our family reunion last weekend.


First off, note to Trailer: I am NOT copying you. I came up with this idea last night, so there.



As this video explains, eggs have little to do with bunnies and really how ridiculous it all is but in reality this actually has little to do with what this post is about so we’ll just move on now.

So as y’all probably don’t know unless you read my mom’s blog which ends up with the same result because no one ever reads my mom’s lame old blog, Joe’s 14th birthday was the other day. It was all very exciting and everything. Dad didn’t get home until late that night so we decided to do his “party”, which involves the family and some last-minute-invited friends from down the street, the next night. Which was last night.

As we have since my thirteenth birthday, which was like forever ago four years ago, we held our scavenger hunt. Skylar, his friend Matthew, and I wrote up the clues. There was a lot of laughter and stupidity involved but whatever. We managed.

So the first clue led Joe to a mailbox, where he found another clue and then that one led to another clue and blah blah blah and so forth until he came to one of the last clues which had the answer as an easter egg, as we have a basket of easter eggs on the front porch for decoration. The clue was like this:

Rabbits leave them behind, but which one? Who knows.


Joe was like “What?” and thought about it for a while. I realized I should have put “bunny” so I told him replace that. Everybody else got it immediately and whispered in my ear what they thought it was, all of them correct.

Joe was completely puzzled.

Skylar and I started singing “The Bunny” song from Veggies Tales but that just made him even more confused. He kept going into the pantry in looking in the bags of candy. Fail.

We were like “What to BUNNIES leave behind Joe? Or more accurately, THE bunny?”

And he was like “Uhh…eggs?”

And we were like “Rabbits don’t lay eggs idiot.”

Okay not really. We actually were like “Uhuuuuuh…annnnnd?”

And then he figured it out and rushed onto the front porch. Matthew had hidden that clue so Joe had to go through a couple different eggs in the basket until he found it. It was quite humorous.

Reading me telling it, it probably is like “okay…” but it was really funny. Trust me.

Eventually he found the last clue which went something like this:

I’m a warrior.
I am not black.
I come in all different sizes; even mini!

Joe could not get it for the life of him. The answer was our van, which is where his present was. A few minutes and several unsuccessful pantry checks later, Dad is making driving motions as if he’s steering a car. He was like “What am I doing Joe?”

And Joe was like “Driving…?” and Dad was like “So what might it be?” And Joe was all like “A…race car driver? Where the heck do we find a race car driver?”

And we all fell over in laughter.

For a little back story, our van’s name is Xena Warrior Van so that’s where the whole “warrior” part comes in.


After several failed attempts, Joe eventually got it and found his prize, which was a new bike. He totally loved it.

And that’s all I think.

Even though the whole bunny=easter eggs still makes absolutely no sense.

Who’s idea was that anyway?

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