Once upon a time, there was a girl who may or may not have been totally awesome. But that’s beside the point. As the story goes, this girl had just about everything she wanted in life. A wonderful place to live, completely incredible friends,  and 6 adorable little brothers.

But her perfect happiness didn’t last for long, and her father’s work required that her and her family leave all the ones they loved and venture into a mysterious land called Jaxtopia. This girl was devastated and it seemed as if all the rainbows in her life were gone. All of the unicorns and pegesai had migrated.

Only one thing kept her going. Actually a lot of things kept her going but mostly one thing — her mother was expecting yet again. This time, they decided not to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. So once again, this girl began praying and hoping this unborn child was the sister she’d been longing for for oh so long.

Months passed, seasons flew by, and eventually the time for the baby to be born arrived. The midwives came and everybody excitedly waited for the news that their next sibling had made it safely into the world.

Shortly after the birth, all the children gathered into their mother’s room, including the girl, to find out what the baby was.

The end.

Okay not really.

They all stepped in and the announcement came:


It’s a girl!

Surprise ending, right?



The girl was so excited(and may or may not have started sobbing uncontrollably) and instantly fell in love with her new little sister.

And this little baby kept growing…


And growing…



And then grew some more…

And basically just got cuter and cuter. And no one really knew if she was ever going to stop or if she was just going to start making people explode from over exposure to pure adorableness.


And the girl who had wanted a sister for so long was exceptionally happy. For her little sister made up for everything she was missing back home and made living in Jaxtopia not completely horrible.

And that girl’s name was Margaret Beddington.


Not really.

Her name was Me.

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