The few, the proud, the awesome will understand.
0 I Heart This
The few, the proud, the awesome will understand.
0 I Heart This
Or this song written and played by a family, the Shmidts, and their friend/most amazing cello player ever, Steven Sharp Nelson. The Piano Guys are so awesome.
Also I made a Bucket List. Click the button on my sidebar or just click here to check it out.
0 I Heart This
I like weird names.
And not weird names like Xavier or Frances or Archibald.
Weird names like Storm, Baelfire, Benedict, Zeus, Canyon, Kayin, Frederick, Zane…the list goes on. And that’s just boys. For girls I like Jezebel, Saphira, and Delilah. No kidding, there are very few other Biblical girl names that I like. Why do the bad [...]
I was playing four square today with three of the boys around the neighborhood, Connor, Donald, and Chris. My brudders were inside eating dinner. Out of nowhere this kid who I’ve never seen before comes up, about 13 or 14 is my guess, and asks to play with us. Donald obviously knew him and was [...]
So…yeah we’ve kinda become four-square addicts. It happened about two days ago. And now it’s all we do. Come 2:30, the neighborhoodians one-by-one make their way to our house and join the group of children in our driveway. See, the driveways have these perfect squares in them so it’s perfect.
It’s pretty awesome.
Here’s a video I [...]
I was bored last night.
So I made a new account on one of my texting apps and used that number to prank one of my good friends, Wesley(who recently made a blog and has posted a whole ONE time on it so y’all should definitely click right here and go check it out.)
To Mrs. J:
Me: [...]
Trolls are awesome. When you don’t know them.
I know a few. And I guess they’re okay. They kinda get annoying after a while. Cause they send you texts that say stuff like “We’ll be there in five minutes.” when they are on the other side of the state. Not that I believed this troll, of [...]
- I have to have the toilet paper on the roller a certain way. If it isn’t on correctly, I will take it off the roller and turn it around right.
- When I’m saying a word, I see it in my head. I didn’t realize this until I started pronouncing words I had only heard(on [...]
This is me with my Best Internet Friend/Twin, Picco, who’s pretty much the most awesome internet friend ever. Because she’s hilarious. And we love all the same stuff. And someday we will meet in person and it will be awesome.
But until then, we just continue to stalk each other’s blogs and follow one another on [...]