Hello my lovely quidnuncs. So nobody knows this story. Its about a week old now but I’ve kept it inside. Mostly because its completely ridiculous. Also I like avoiding being hit over the head with a hairbrush. I am successful at that when mummy doesn’t hear the story.
We’ll just hope mom never reads this blog.
So doing my hair in the bathroom is such a bore because there’s really nothing to do in there except stare at yourself in the mirror while you drag the hot iron down your head. So I decided to take my 8×10 mirror and head into my room, where my radio was located and straighten my golden locks in there.
Being that my 10+ year old Korg Electric Piano is the closest thing I have to a desk, I decided to set up my station there, setting the mirror on the back and the hot iron on the keys.
Yeah you’re probably thinking “Man Kait, could you get anymore stupid?”. Heck yes I can. But this is my life and I can do what I want and that includes placing my hot iron on plastic piano keys. Even though that’s, like, seriously a really stupid thing to do.
But I wasn’t thinking this at the time. Obviously.
So anyway. Mistake number one has happened.
Mistake number two — turning the iron on. Crucial for straightened hair. And melted piano.
Mistake number three? Not noticing my little ole straightener was leaving its own little mark on the world and my piano repeatedly until it looked like this.

And then when I noticed I was all like “Oh crap.”
Yeah so there are like eleven keys that look like this now.

It doesn’t hinder my piano playing. And you can’t even tell if you don’t look at it.

And so ends the tale of the thoughtless girl and her straightener.
What have I learned from all this?
That my conspiracy is true: all hot things are out to prove me blonde and make my life miserable.
Wait till I tell you the popcorn maker story…

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