Yeah this is me laying under a car.


- I have to have the toilet paper on the roller a certain way. If it isn’t on correctly, I will take it off the roller and turn it around right.

- When I’m saying a word, I see it in my head. I didn’t realize this until I started pronouncing words I had only heard(on TV or something) how they were spelled, NOT how I had heard them. Like Sybil on Downton Abbey. I would pronounce her name differently than I was hearing it because I was, unconsciously, reading it in my mind how I imagined it to be spelled and therefore before my brain could connect that I’d heard it differently, I said it how I thought it was spelled. I do this all the time. It’s really weird.

- Books that I read a long ways back I often think are movies because of how well my imagination created the world I was reading about. For instance, I’ve thought I watched a Boxcar Children movie because I read them when I was younger and I still remember specific SCENES as if I had watched a movie. Even now, when reading a book I’m really into I will, when thinking about going to continue the story, think “Press play” as if I am going to continue a movie before realizing it was a book.

- I cannot sleep with blankets on my feet unless it is REALLY cold. And sticking limbs off the side of the bed? Ne

- I like the smell of books and money and it causes people to give me weird stares a lot.

- According to my dad, one of my quirks is that I’m a dork. Fairly certain that’s not technically a quirk but whatever.

So…I guess that’s it. For now.


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