Someone once told me I was delusional. I almost fell off of my unicorn.

Category Archives: Tags

My totally awesome best internet friend, Picco, tagged me in some absolutely ridiculous tag yesterday. It’s so ridiculous that I’m doing it. That’s pretty darn ridiculous.
Pretty much I have to list 11 random things about myself, then answer the 11 questions Piccola asked, then tag four bloggers, and then list 11 of my own questions [...]

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Hello my sweet quidnuncks.
My awesome friend, Katy, tagged me about a week ago. The rules went something like this:
1. Go to page 77 of your manuscript.
2. Go to line 7.
3. Copy the next 7 lines/paragraphs.
4. Tag 7 other writers to do the same.
But the thing is…I haven’t written since last July.
Yeah it’s pretty much totally [...]

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How City Am I?
y = yes n = nok = kinda
[y] I’ve drunk Starbucks more than once in my life
[y] Sometimes I link arms when I walk with someone
[n] I shop at AE, A&F, or HCO
[n] I own 4 or more dress shirts/dresses
[n] I will never be caught without my cell phone
[n] I blow [...]

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I’ve been Tagged by Natalie and Ellen!
Rules1.Answer these questions2.Be honest.3. Tag at least three other people.4. Don’t tag someone if they already been tagged.5. Have fun!!
Stand up from you computer chair.Walk backward two steps. What do you hit? AirLeft two steps? AirRight two steps? Air, almost the steps thoughTurn around 5 times, what are you [...]

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I was Tagged by Natalie.
1.Fave color:Black or Orange
2.Least fave color:Pink
3.Color of pants:Camouflage
4.Color of shirt:Navy Blue
5.Color of fave CD: I don’t have any CDs
6.Color of dream car: Orange
7.Color that you want your mom to dye her hair: Red
8.Color of computer:White and Black
9.Color of best friends brother’s eyes: My best friend doesn’t have a brother.
10.Color of dream [...]

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I’ve been tagged! All the people that I would tag have already been tagged, so whoever reads this may do it! Here are the rules.
1.) Post the rules on your blog.2.) Try not to tag a person someone has all ready tagged…3.) Tag at least 5 people (if you know that many of the people [...]

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I was tagged by Natalie and Becca! Here are the rules.
(1) Post the rules on your post before you answer the questions.(2) List one fact about yourself using each letter of your middle name.(if you don’t have a middle name, then use your maiden name)(3) When finished answering, tag one person for each letter [...]

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I’ve decided to make a tag. I hope you enjoy it! Here are the rules.
1. Choose your favorite book, and do an 30-60 word review on it. Say who the main character is, why it is your favorite book, and who the author is.
2. Tag 7 of your favorite Blogs, and leave a comment on [...]

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I’ve been tagged by Natalie! Here are the rules.
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages). 2. Open the book to page 123. 3.Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the next three sentences.5 . Tag five people.
The nearest book to me was the Holy Bible! Here we [...]

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