Yep. That’s me. Totally unsocialized. Like all homeschoolers.
Cause homeschoolers are unsocialized, right?
Isn’t that how it works?
At least that’s the impression I get from all those people out there who wonder how on earth I’m going to get the socilaization I need in life when I’m homeschooled and don’t go public school.
Homeschooler = Unsocialized physco
Can I show you something?
Yeah it’ll only take a second.
Those are my friends I spent 7 hours with every Monday last year. Half of those friends I campaigned with 3 times a week through the summer. A half of that half I talk to on a weekly basis.
These are my closest friends – the ones I campaigned with 3 times a week through the summer. We faced hard, bad, good, cold, hot, frustrating, rejoicing, and many other moments during our experiences; and we all got along wonderfully.
Did I mention these kids(my campaigning group) all have the same beliefs as me? It’s even not unheard of for us to have theological discussions.
Yeah. I’m homeschooled.
Unsocialized?Well. I’ll leave that for you to decide.
December 17, 2010 at 9:27 am
December 17, 2010 at 9:29 am
Haha. okay. I tried to leave a video, but it’s not working for me at all so I’ll just leave you the link.
Copy and paste into your browser:
December 17, 2010 at 11:21 am
Haha that’s what I based my post on! Lol we watched that and it was just the perfect post!
Katy M
December 18, 2010 at 9:21 am
LOL! I just saw this post! Love it!
I know, we are SO unsocialized!! Ya…right….
~ Katy
December 27, 2010 at 8:03 pm
That’s funny. I have the link posted on my blog. I couldn’t think of anything to say. So I just put this up. Do you know how many people ask me now that I’m done. So many more than before, like they would have offended me then. UGH! people, and they wonder when I do act unsocial to them…