Found this on Shelby’s blog!Random Questions About Me:

Spell your name without vowels:


Your favorite number :
7 and 15, though I always choose 7 over 15. So really, I guess 7′s my favorite.

What color do you wear most :

Least favorite color :
Fuschia. Ick.

What are you listening to:
 The washer and Jesse singing to himself.

Are you happy with your life right now :
 ”happy” is not an adequate description.

Whats your favorite class :
I don’t really have classes…but reading is easily my favorite subject!

Who is your best friend(s) :
Victoria, Katy, Lizzy, Spencer, Aaron, Danny, Josh, Sarah…the list can go on and on. ;-)

When do you start back at school/college :
Whenever I feel like it!

Are you outgoing :
I think this goes without saying.

Favorite pair of shoes :
Favorite? I guess I never really thought about it…I wear my sandals the most…does that make them my favorite?

Can you dance:
I can and I LOVE to! Civil War style. ;-)

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth:
Hmm…good question…I guess I wouldn’t know; sounds like something you’d do if your bored. I’m rarely bored.

Can you whistle :
 Not currently. Braces prohibit it.

Write with both hands:
Yep…all three.

Cross your eyes :
 Mom always told me that if you do that for too long they’ll get stuck that way. After that happened to Billy I decided not to try anymore, so I can’t be certain.

Walk with your toes:
It certainly is easier than walking without your toes.

Do you believe there is life on other planets:

Do you believe in miracles:
You betcha.

Do you believe in magic:
Only the kind in a young girl’s heart. And how the music can free her whenever it starts. And the kind that makes you feel happy like an old time movie. Only that kind.

Love at first sight:
 Umm…I heart at first sight! Especially if it’s a variety of chocolate!

Do you believe in Satan:
I think that it’s quite evident.

Do you believe in Santa:
Do you believe in giant aliens with tentacles made of licorice? If you believe in that, I’ll believe in Santa. They’re both equally realistic. The tooth fairy on the other hand…that’s another story.

Do you know how to swim :
That’s like asking one of my brother’s if they know how to cause mischief. Duh.

Do you like roller coasters :

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows :
Depends…probably not without having it all come back up.

Have you ever been on a plane :
Oh yeah.

Have you ever been to the ocean :
I live in Florida…of course I have!

Have you ever painted your nails:
Yep…and I stink at it.

What is the temperature outside:
 86 degrees; quite nice if you ask me!

What radio station do you listen to:

What was the last restaurant you ate at :
McDonalds I think.

What was the last thing you bought :
Umm…*think think think* Oh! “Wollipops” for Sam!

Who was the last person you IM’d:
Oh…that would be…Little Star!

Who was the last person you took a picture of:
gee…uh…I think it was Sam.

Who was the last person you said I love you to:
Umm…my little brother?

Ever really cried your heart out:
Not yet!

Ever cried yourself to sleep:
But that I have.

Do you cry when you get an injury :
Umm…I think the last time I cried over an injury was nearly 8 years ago. Can’t be sure though.

Do certain songs make you cry :
Yeah there are a few that actually do! And I can name em too. ;-)

Are you a happy person? :
I am joyful. Not always happy, but always joyous. :-)

What is your current hair color:
I’m a blondie.


What shirt are you wearing: 
A purple one. One of my faves.

Pants : 
No pants for me; long jean skirt!

Ny natural ones!

Necklaces :
My BFF and the smiley Lizzy gave me. :-)


Been in jail:
…I live in jail.

Laughed so hard, you cried :
Oh yes…warm seats…Ann Steele…Brian Regan at 10pm while driving home with friends…oh yeah. I’ve done that a plenty.

Thrown up in a store :
Thank goodness no.

Wanted to be a model:
 Umm. NO.

Seen a dead body :
On a movie more than a few times.


Pepsi or Coke:
Pepsi is disgusting. Coke is amazing. I heart Coke.

McDonalds or Burger King :
Burger King burgers, McDonald fries.

Single or Group Dates:
Why is there no “None of the above” option? Dating? no thanks.

Chocolate or Vanilla:
Mm…Not a big fan of icecream…but as far as cakes go, I’m all chocolate.

Strawberries or Blueberries:
Strawberries duh.

Meat or Veggies:

TV or Movie :

Guitar or Drums:

Well there ya go!  Take the time to answer a few in the comments! :-D

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