I’ve been tagged by Our Blessed Arrows!(my mom) This one’s going to be kinda tough. This is my first tag. Here goes nothing!!!

There are rules for this meme. They are as follows:
Link to the person that tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

So here are six very random, maybe strange, things about me.

1. I love piano, but HATE lessons. Strange? I think not.

2. I can read a 40 book series, about 200 pages per book, in less then 3 weeks and I still know exactly what is going on.

3. I love every single one of my brothers enormously, all 5 of them

4. I have knack for saving money.

5. I absolutely LOVE all of God’s amazing and strange animals, even my eldest brother.

6. I’ve lived in 11 different house’s since I’ve been born, and we’re about to move again. (my dads in the military)

Here are the people who I’m tagging! Sorry girls, you’re the first one’s who came to mind:)




13hannahs-world.homeschooljournal(this blog is for invited bloggers only)


12downbythecreek.blogspot.com(this blog is for invited bloggers only)

Good luck!!!

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