I thought that today I’d talk about Creation. It usually is in July. I went last year and, wait, let me tell you what it’s about. Creation is a concert type thing that you can go to once a year. One is at the Gorge over here in WA., and I think the other one is in Pennsylvania. I went with our church and it was a great experience. I learned a lot about The Word, heard great speakers, I got to hear my new favorite band, Hawk Nelson, got hang out with my friend, Megan, and made two great new friends. They have great bands there like, Barlow Girl, Jars of Clay, David Crowder, and the year before last, Third Day! Reliant K, Super Chick, and lots more! Every morning you wake up and at 9.00 you go to the morning worship and sermon. After the sermon the bands start, usually it’s almost lunch time. Every morning there’s a different preacher and worship leader. It was SSSOOO fun! It lasts 3 days. They have camp grounds that you can stay at. But man, does it get hot. Luckily, they have COLD showers that you can go and soak yourself in. That feels GOOD!!! I loved Creation. I recommend it to all!

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