I had my appointment with the orthodontist today. I get my braces on the…secret!!! Only Katie and the White-a-rooskies know. MWAHAHAHA!!!!

I thought that I’d write a post about my mouth, at it’s current state.

Here is the x-ray -

Apparently my bottom 12 year molars never came in, and my wisdom teeth are filling in for them...side ways.

Apparently my bottom 12 year molars never came in, and my wisdom teeth are filling in for them...side ways.


My mouth is incredibly small, apparently. In-cred-i-bly small. Can you imagine if my 12 year molars had come in, too?

Obviously, my teeth can’t stay like that. Instead of pulling them, which would change the shape of my face, they are going to pull them back into place.


Pretend the blue oval is a metal rod with a spring on it that will pull my molars back into place. Dr. Brooks will insert the rod onto my tooth and attach that to my jaw bone so it will be pulled back into place. Sounds gruesome, eh? =) But it’s not, really.

That’s just the bottom back. Everybody knows that I need braces for the front on the bottom and top.

So, when I get braces next (beep), my teeth will be on their way to straightness! Dr. Brooks says that I’ll have straight teeth within 6 monthes, though I’ll have braces for  2 and a half years.

So, once again I move on to em’brace’ the future!!

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