Well, I’d better fill you in on what going on in my life.
My dad is doing his second-to-last-flight right now, and he selects on Thursday. Translation: He learns what he’s going to fly. Helicopters: We stay here, yay! Jets: We move away, sob. But, I know God knows best. I just hope His plans flow with my desires! :)

We are moving to a slightly bigger house this Saturday. It’s a lot closer to my dad’s flight school, and it’s a lot cheaper.

I’ve also gotten into photography lately, I’ve been having a lot of fun with that! You can go here to see my pictures.

Jesse is 6 months old now, and about the largest baby I’ve ever seen! He’s HUGE! His eyes are also the bluest and clearest eyes I’ve ever seen, too!

With me as far as school, homeschool works a little different. I’ll probably be done with high-school in about a year, depending on how hard I work.

Well, that’s the latest scoop!

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