Sadly there is no 4th volley ball post because I was sick this week and was unable to attend co-op and P.E.. It started last week, but it was only a mildly sore throat. I thought that was all I was going to get, but I was wrong. I woke up 3 days ago with a cough and a stuffy nose. It had died down a bit today, but I still am coughing every once and a while. Every single one of my brothers has gotten it, and both of my parents. It has been 2 weeks since we went to co-op last, and I am missing it. All of my brothers are feeling better today, so hopefully we will be able to go to co-op and P.E. next week. Since we only have 7 weeks of co-op left, I plan to enjoy them as much as I can.

Well, since I don’t have to write a 5 page story about v-ball, I guess I’ll just ask you guys a couple of questions about the fun you like to have.

  1. What is your favorite sport to play? – Mine is Volley Ball.
  2. What is your favorite thing to do? – I love to ride horses, even though I almost never have the chance.
  3. What summer activity do you enjoy most? – I like it when we set up our giant water slide in our back yard and have our friends come and play on it with us.
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