This week I went to P.E. again, of course, and had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed volley ball. It’s this game where you have to hit a ball over the net, for those of you who don’t know. :) Half the time I can’t even get the “hit the ball” part right, and of course when I do hit it and it flys over the net it’s just the other team passing the ball to us because it’s our turn to serve.

Oh, and I was told by Spencer that he wasn’t laughing at me, but with me. Uh, yeah right. Saying “Go Kate”(I’m sure you thought my name wrong, Spence) while laughing and throwing your arms up in the air as the volley ball hits the net instead of going over it is not laughing with me. Please, somebody tell me if I’m wrong.
What’s confusing for me is being up by the net. I have to make split-second decisions about how to hit the ball(under handed or over handed), and I’m not the best at split-second decisions. I usually do it backwards, hitting it under handed when it needs to over handed or the other way around, and am usually promptly told by either Christina or Josh that I did it the wrong way. Woops.
There is good news in this post, but I like to savor the best for last(which is why I eat my sandwiches from the outside in). I actually was able to get the ball in the air and eventually over the net when serving. Our coach taught us the way not to break our fingers and wrists during the game by showing us how to hold our hands. I was serving way wrong. I’m still not that good at it, but practice does help…a lot. I asked my mom to pick me up a volley ball, and she said she would next time she went to Wal-Mart, so hopefully I’ll be able to practice passing and serving in our backyard. I want a yellow one with a smily face on it, but I don’t think we’ll be able to find one like that. :( Oh well.

Volley ball is my new favorite sport(it used to be swimming), and hopefully by next year I’ll be able to play on a team. :)

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