Here are some interesting facts that I got from Katie.

Las hormigas no durmen.
Ants do not sleep.

Un astroanauta puede medir hasta 2 pulgadas mas despues de retornar del espacio.
An astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space. The Cartilage disks in the epine expand in the absence of gravity.

Se sabe que los elefantes siguen de pie despues de morir.
Elephants have been known to remain standing after they die.

Setenta por ciento del polvo en su casa es piel humana que se ha caido.
Seventy percent of the dust in your home consists of shed human skin.

Las langostas tienen sangre azul
Lobsters have blue blood.

Los tiburones son immunos al cancer.
Sharks are immune to cancer.

La Paz, la capital de Bolivia, queda a la altura mas alta del mundo, mas de 17,000 pies (5,181 m).
La Paz, the capital city of Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world at over 17,000 feet (5,181 m).

Los robles no producen bellotas hasta que tienen por lo menos 50 anos.
Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are at least 50 years old.

Solamente los humanos duermen de espalda.
Only humans sleep on their back. (this is actually a false saying)

Las perlas se derriten en vinagre.
Pearls melt in vinegar ( DO NOT try this at home!)

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