What is the first thing you think of when you see this picture?

Princess Bride?
Cary Elwes?
Ella Enchanted?

If you thought of any of the above you are WRONG and not cool.

The first thing that should come to mind is “OHMYGOSH PIERRE DESPEREAUX!”

And then if you’re anything like me you’ll start jumping up and down and doing some weird dance thing that resembles Gus’s victory dance, all the meanwhile squealing “Ahhhhhh! Despereaux’s back!”

Last night when I came home from hanging out with the neighbors, my parent’s were watching Psych(YES without me, those MEANIES” and I saw Pierre and totally did that.

Because Pierre is my favorite.

And Lassie.

My dad was all like “Kait, I will not believe you when you say you just ‘aren’t excitable’ anymore because I just witnessed that.”

Honestly, I’m just not excitable when I get gifts because for some ridiculous reason. I don’t really know. It’s not like I don’t completely appreciate the gift. I mean, somebody just GOT me something. That’s wonderful and generous and makes me very happy! I just…I don’t know…don’t get very excited.

It bothers some people.

For you people it bothers, I am really sorry. I think I just use up all my yearly allotment of excitement on Psych.

Why yes. I do fistbump people.


Also, if you don’t watch this show you really should.

And if you have watched this show and didn’t find it completely awesome…

We should probably not be friends. Because I swear, I become more like Shawn every day.

So ultimately, we probably wouldn’t get along well in the end.

Plus anyone who doesn’t like Psych is lame and I don’t have lame friends.


Looking through all the pictures from that day, I'm making some sort of weird face in, like, 2/3 of the pictures. I wonder what that says about me.

Sarah and I love Psych. I think it helped us bond as friends.

So anytime we visit, we watch Psych.

Because we’re awesome.

And then we walk around fistbumping and going “whaaaat!” all day and then the parents are all like “Oh great they’ve been watching Psych again.”

And guess what we need…

Aaaawwwhhh yeaaaah.

I totally want these like SO BAD. I would give the one of Gus to Sarah because we’ve said for, like, more than a year that she’s totally Gus and I’m totally Shawn and it’d be so awesome. I would totally put it on my geek shelf.

Yes I have one of those.


Like, it’s on it’s way. And I have a bunch of stuff to put on it.

Like my Darth Vader bobblehead. It’s so great.



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