Remember that post I wrote a lonnnng time ago in 2009? The 100 Things About Me? (P.S. That post is totally embarrassing now so don’t read it. Oh great, now you’re going to go read it. Thanks.)
Well, I’ve finally done it.
This is Stark and Oliver. They’re my new pets. Everybody in the family thinks they’re the coolest thing ever, especially, surprising us all, Jesse. He even asked to pet one and did it when I gave him the okay. He calls them Rabbits.
“Hey Rabbits! Come here! Aww look at da rabbits!”
It’s very adorable.
This one is Oliver.
This one is Stark.
In case you couldn’t tell, they’re named after superheroes.
Oliver Queen(Green Arrow) and Tony Stark(Iron Man).
Lucy finds them to be quite cute, also.
They’re already quite at home and love climb all over me, especially Oliver who enjoys playing in my hair.
Anywho, these are them. They’re so cool! I’m very happy to have them added to my collection of animals.
Wesley J.
D’aaawww…. You make me want rats again. I remember Roxie and Julia would love playing in my mom’s hair, too. Rats are the best.
Yeah they’re really awesome.