I like superheroes.
It’s kind of a new realization for me. But for the last decade or so as superheroes have once again come into fandom, I have become increasingly aware that I get into this crazy superhero high whenever I see a new superhero movie. Unless it’s Spiderman. I never liked Spiderman. Why are they even making a new one? I was forced to see the trailer for The Lame Amazing Spiderman in the theater last night. It was pretty much just like watching it on your computer except 40 times bigger therefore 40 times more painful.
Okay it wasn’t painful. But I seriously have a desire level of approximately 0 to ever see it again. Also the actual movie.
Now that you’ve gained a firm grasp on the fact that I really don’t like Spiderman, we can move on.
Avengers!(yes there may be spoilers so don’t be stupid and read this if you haven’t seen the movie)
Yes, the hype of the entertainment world at the current moment. I could go into all the statistics and how they’ve made a quadrillion dollars or whatever but I just don’t feel like it.
What I do want to point out is that Hawkeye did not get enough spotlight. I mean come’on! He’s possibly the most awesome dude ever and what does he get? 30 seconds in Thor and then gets to spend half of the Avengers in evil mode? What?
Some may say that he doesn’t have enough character to have his own movie. These people don’t know anything. Okay, what I mean to say is that I completely disagree. They could have easily made a movie with Hawkeye and the Black Widow in it. They obviously have a past, and an interesting one at that, so seriously! Do something with the cool bow and arrow kick-butt guy! He is not GLITTER, people! You can’t just go sprinkling him into random movies.
Second of all, I never knew how totally cool Bruce Banner is. Mark Ruffalo played an awesome Hulk. Edward Norton played in the latest Hulk movie, which I heard was pretty lame do I don’t even want to see it, but I would totally invest time in watching a Hulk movie with Ruffalo in it. He was perfect!
But one thing Dad and I noticed was that when he first went crazy he tried to attack everyone. It didn’t matter if they were on his team or not, he was killing everyone. But at the end, he knew who was on his team and who wasn’t. Wha?
My thoughts are that he purposefully became Hulk the second time so he was more in control of himself. Even then, he socked Thor. Which was absolutely hilarious.
Iron Man, err, Stark, was a jerk. As usual.
I mean seriously, he is such a meanie. Sorry, couldn’t think of any other word to put there.
He thinks he’s better than everyone else. And to those who are like “WELL he IS!” — y’all don’t know awesomeness when it’s wielding a bow and arrow on a 30ft wide screen right in front of your FACE.
Okay Iron Man is fairly cool but really, if anyone other than Robert Downey Jr. had played that part, I wouldn’t have enjoyed it.
But he did it perfectly, adding a nice touch of humor where needed.
Then there was Hawkeye– oh wait. I already talked about him.
Next is Thor, who was just as awesome in The Avengers as he was in his own movie. Out of the Marvel movies I’ve seen, Thor was definitely the best one. I LOVED Thor. It was just such a great story. And even though he’s evil, I really liked Loki as well. Both of the brother had such deep character — I loved it! And they were just as good in The Avengers.
And Captain America! Dunduhduhduh! While I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie, I really liked Captain America in The Avengers. He was pretty much the dude with sound reason in the group. He was so cool.
And last and also least, the Black Widow, who was cool but not that cool. I mean, I think her and Hawkeye could make a good movie together. But alone, she was just assassin-y cool.
All in all, it was a pretty dang awesome movie. I really enjoyed it and can’t wait until the next one comes out, along with Thor 2(2013) and Captain America 2(2014).
Overall, superheroes are pretty cool. And just plain heroes because technically Hulk isn’t a superhero or something.
Also, anyone find it funny that Captain Marvel is a DC character? Hehe wait wha?
Yeah it’s confusing. Doesn’t really make any sense.
Also, if only Batman was Marvel. Then it would be so easy to say that Marvel is my favorite. But alas, DC has both Batman and the Green Arrow so I am stuck being able to not say that.
Oh well.
So. That’s it
My geek side is going back into hiding now.
Until next time.
May 20, 2012 at 7:33 pm
haha- looks like someone else shares my affinity for Hawkeye
But I think he and Captain tie for awesomeness…
May 21, 2012 at 10:16 am
Why yes, yes I do. I’ve always favored the characters who wield a bow though so it’s no surprise.
Captain America was pretty cool. I came to like him a lot more in The Avengers. Can’t wait until the next movie comes out!
By golly, I’ll be like 20 by the time that happens.
Taylór J.
May 20, 2012 at 7:44 pm
I like them all. It would be awesome if they were in a movie together!
I haven’t seen the 2008 Hulk since it was in theaters, so I can’t vouch for it at all. Ed Norton played a decent Banner from what I remember, but Ruffalo was FAR better.
May 21, 2012 at 10:31 am
Yeah someone is way ahead of you Taylor.
Ruffalo was awesome.
May 21, 2012 at 12:45 pm
Yes! So glad someone else agrees with me about how awesome both Thor and Loki are! LOKI’D!
I really, really wish they had/would make a movie with Hawkeye. I think he’s one of my favorites. And yeah, what was up with him being bad half the movie?? Tore my heart out it did ;(
Anyway. Confession time: I couldn’t remember the name of your blog correctly (I would type it in and get WAY weird stuff) so I couldn’t visit. Then Picco reminded me it was on your Pinterest and I felt dumb. But here I am!! Commenting again and being able to use that awesome slide to comment thing. I’m probably never going to get over how cool that is either.
May 21, 2012 at 4:24 pm
Uh heck yeah, they’re awesome!
Yeah Marvel doesn’t know how to do anything obviously. I think I’m going to start a campaign to get Hawkeye his own movie.
If you found way weird stuff, it was probably just my blog from a different dimension. Was a TARDIS involved?
I’m glad you eventually found my blog and are now able to spend your time playing with my spam-keeper-outer.
Taylór J.
May 21, 2012 at 6:30 pm
No, you mean to say Marvel DIDN’T know how to do anything PREVIOUSLY. We were once subjected to the horrors of Fantastic Four 1 and 2, Spider-Man 2 and 3, Ghost Rider 1 and 2, The Incredible Hulk (2003), X-Men 3, and Wolverine. But since Iron Man, Marvel has turned over a new leaf. And notice how those movies were made by INDEPENDENT studios with Marvel’s name attached to them.
If they come out with a Hawkeye/Black Widow movie, that’s fine. But I personally have other heros I’d like to see on the big screen in their own title. Like NIGHTCRAWLER! Awww yeeeaaaah!
May 21, 2012 at 6:55 pm
Taylor stop pretending to be the author of this post. It’s not even funny. It’s simply…not…funny.
Hey, I liked The Fantastic Four! I thought it was an interesting movie. The second one, too. I like the Silver Surfer. And you forgot Spiderman 1 on that list. It was lame, too.
You obviously lack awesomeness and ingenuity if you don’t agree with me that Hawkeye movie is a must.
I guess a Nightcrawler movie would be interesting enough. Not one I would be dying to go see though.
I’d like to see a new Hulk more with Ruffalo in it. He’s been signed on for six new movies with Marvel so hopefully one will be a new and better Hulk.
Taylór J.
May 21, 2012 at 7:17 pm
I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be the editor.
I liked it at one point, but then small technical things started nagging at me and I can’t really enjoy it a whole lot like I used to. And the first Spider-Man wasn’t all that bad. The cast (minus a screaming Kirsten Dunst) was good, and the story (minus the “natural” web) wasn’t bad either.
And hey, I’m entitled to my opinion about Hawkeye. He simply couldn’t stand on his own the way he was depicted in The Avengers. Now if he had a character change, then I’d love to see him in his own film! But otherwise he’d need to rely on Black Widow or someone else to not bore audiences to death with constant arrow-shooting. I’d love to see him in Iron Man 3 or Captain America 2! The stark (pun intended) differences between those two and Hawkeye would bring out some nice things! Basically they need to mix and match the heroes in the upcoming movies. Make Black Widow and Hawkeye regulars in the main 4’s films.
May 22, 2012 at 5:56 am
I suppose we completely disagree on just about everything in the superhero world. We shall simply have to agree to disagree.
Taylór J.
May 22, 2012 at 6:19 am
Except that we don’t quite get the whole Superman deal.
May 22, 2012 at 6:41 am
Oh yes. And that Ruffalo played an awesome Hulk.
Taylór J.
May 22, 2012 at 8:56 am
And Lou Ferrigno. I forgot about him! In case you didn’t know, he was the Hulk side of Banner in the original TV series, and he was the voice of the Hulk (with some animal sounds mixed in) for the past three hulks. But yes, what you said too.
May 22, 2012 at 9:52 am
And also that Doritos are good.