Ok, I’m going to write 100 weird, interesting, and perhaps quirky things about me. My friend Taylor could barely get out 25…perhaps I’m just a little weirder then he is.

  1. I have 6 brothers.
  2. I’m the oldest child in my family.
  3. I’m the only girl.
  4. I have my own dog.
  5. I think that ranch in mashed potatoes is good.
  6. Batman is totally sweet-awesome.
  7. I play piano.
  8. I’m not a huge fan of video games…unless of course I’m playing them.
  9. I love animals.
  10. I can’t decide who my best friend is, so I have 2.
  11. I’m very talkative. Don’t believe me? Ask my friends.
  12. I love going to church.
  13. I think that the pastor of the church we are going to now is the best preacher I’ve ever heard.
  14. I can’t wait to get married.
  15. I want to live in Florida forever.
  16. I really want a Orange Mini Cooper.
  17. I’ve always wanted blue eyes.
  18. I love my hair.
  19. I’ve wanted a rat since January 31, 2009
  20. I used to wear glasses.
  21. I’m 14, and starting high school in about a week.
  22. After taking a test, I found that I am only 22% girly.
  23. My dad is in flight school right now.
  24. Horses are cool.
  25. I have a Electric Guitar.
  26. I just beat Taylor’s record…with ease. :)
  27. I love taking pictures.
  28. Black and White pictures are my favorite.
  29. My middle name is Elizabeth.
  30. My favorite number is 7.
  31. I love chocolate.
  32. I belong in the south.
  33. I don’t like snow.
  34. I’ve never broken any part of my body.
  35. Never had stitches.
  36. I’ve never been to the hospital for more then a check up.
  37. I’m going to get braces in a couple of weeks.
  38. My nickname is “the kid”
  39. I love the color orange.
  40. I plan on having lots of pets.
  41. Converse rock.
  42. My favorite meal is Beef Stroganoff.
  43. I love listening to music.
  44. I am VERY hesitant about spending money.
  45. I babysit a lot.
  46. World War 2 is my favorite thing to learn about.
  47. I love to read…a lot…and I’m fast…really.
  48. I’m learning Sign Language at the moment.
  49. I really want a Wired-haired Visla.
  50. Jesus is my Hero.
  51. My favorite band is Casting Crowns.
  52. My favorite song is “Every Man”
  53. I don’t like the beach, yet I love Florida.
  54. The Dark Knight is by far my favorite movie.
  55. The greatest romance story I’ve ever seen in a movie was “The Village”
  56. I think it would be cool to live like the Amish,
  57. I live to swing on a swing set for some reason.
  58. It would be cool if I had freckles.
  59. I have brown eyes.
  60. I wouldn’t choose to marry someone who’s in the Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Army, yet of course I would if I was in love.
  61. I’m starting to run out of ideas.
  62. I think that the most romantic setting is at a lake.
  63. I am very strict about the fact that I will be courted.
  64. I don’t like moving.
  65. I love to shop at Christian Books.com.
  66. Janette Oke is my favorite author.
  67. My favorite animal is the Arctic Fox.
  68. I only like hot dogs when they have ketchup smothered all over them.
  69. I want to be a Stay at Home Mom when I am older.
  70. I have my own Laptop.
  71. I love learning things about people.
  72. I love dogs.
  73. It would be fun to have a bird.
  74. I love the smell of rain.
  75. I hate laundry, but somebodys got to do it. That’s why God gave us siblings.
  76. Though being told that a sibling is only your younger brothers or sister, I just looked it up and the person who told me this has been proven wrong…for the first time.
  77. My favorite candle scent is Birthday Cake sent. Yes, it’s a real scent.
  78. I collect spoons.
  79. Hay smells good.
  80. I can’t wait to fall in love.
  81. I had memorized the book “Are you my mother” by the time I turned 3.
  82. I was born on January 28, 1995
  83. I like to watch movies.
  84. I am SO ready to be done with this.
  85. I can’t wait for summer.
  86. Winter is like a hollow pile of Bologna…what ever that means.
  87. Macaroni and Cheese is “da bomb” as some would say.
  88. I love to get e-mails.
  89. I wish I had a horse.
  90. One of my closest friends is a smart alick and wears glasses…
  91. And the other one is scary tall and left handed.
  92. I only listen to Christian music.
  94. I have 2 green Anole Lizards that I caught myself…in my backyard!
  95. I could look at the stars forever.
  96. I hate weeding.
  97. I have a 4 week old brother.
  98. I’ve been to Waffle House in Pj’s.
  99. I love cooking.
  100. My favorite thing to do is have fun.

Well, there’s a hundred!!!! I encourage you to write 100 things about you!! If you do, please leave me the link so I can see!!

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