Here is a quiz I made up! You can answer in the comments OR on your Blog, but if you do it on your Blog then please leave a comment telling me you did it. Thanks!

1. “Amigos” in Spanish means what?
a. People c. Brother
b. Friend d. Mother

2. Spaghetti is a traditional dish from what country?
a. France c. America
b. Mexico d. Italy

3. Moses did what?
a. Delivered the people from Egypt c. Discovered America
b. Built an ark d. Invented the light bulb

4. A cat is a part of which group?
a. Canine c. Feline
d. Cataline d. Radiline

5. Who was the first President?
a. Abraham Lincoln c. Theodore Roosevelt
b. George Washington d. None of the above. (please say who you think it is if you choose this)

6. A spider is what kind of bug?
a. Arachnid c. Insect
b. Makinid d. None of the above.

7. What animal kills the most people?
a. Tiger c. Shark
b. Bear d. Hippo

8. What is spice is known to keep researchers feet warm is Antarctica?
a. Huntoo Hot Spice c. Cayan pepper
b. Basil d. Thyme

9. The sun is what of the following?
a. A star c. A planet
c. A meteor d. A solar system

10. Did you like this quiz?
a. Yes c. A little
b. No d. Maybe

Hope you like it!

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