“You know, Dr. Ssssss”

He just carried on the S, like he expected me to guess what the heck he was saying.

“Umm.” was my confused reply.

“You know, the ‘S’ word that we aren’t allowed to say.” Joe continued.

(insert me rolling my eyes)

“You mean ‘Stupid’?” I asked.

“Yes.” Joe gave me a look that said I totally should’ve known that.

My brother’s have this idea that they aren’t allowed to say Stupid because it’s a curse word or something. What they don’t seem to realize is that Mom told them when they were younger that they couldn’t say it because she knew that they would abuse it.

“Boys, seriously, you guys can say that word. You just aren’t allowed to call people it.” I explained.

I should’ve just left things alone.

Apparently this was like the best gift that could ever be given to them. They say a few sentences mentioning something ‘stupid’(all of it from the Ren & Stempy show we watched yesterday.). There was a lot of giggling. Being that they were in the middle of lunch and I was tired of the hearing their banter, I told them(jokingly) to stop saying stupid or I would make sure that they weren’t allowed to say it at all.


Joe looks at me, trying really hard not to grin. “That’s stupid Kait.”

*little giggling at the table as they look at my expression to make sure I’m not about to pound Joe*

(this is where I try really hard not to smile and appear stern)

(this is where I look at Gabe’s face, who’s trying to do the same thing)

(this is where I start laughing against my will)

(this is where the entire table dissolves into giggles)

My brothers are weird.

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