On the way home from Winn-Dixie this evening, I started to tell my mom what my “dream home” looked like.
“It’ll be a log cabin type house on 5000 acres of flat land right here in Florida.”, I started. “3 stories. It’ll have a huge basement where the kids’ll play. Ride outside there will be a huge barn.” I continued.
“Is that where you’ll keep all of your horses?” she asked.
“Some of them. We’ll have a separate stable for the horses people hire my husband to train.”
“Yeah. You see, my husband will be this famous horse trainer, and everyone for miles around will bring all of their young horses to our stables to be trained.”
“Yes, and we’ll have a training area right behind the barn with 9ft high fences, so the regulation is all good. It’ll be all dirt and dust because of how often it’s used.”
“Oh, this sounds cool.”, my mother mentioned.
“Oh yes. And then we’ll have a huge corral out by the huge stable. That’s where we’ll keep all of our fillys and mares, and then another one by it to keep all of the stallions in, so they are separate.”
“Yes, and the barn we’ll have a heater in it for the chilly winters. We’ll have an indoor training arena for our horses so we can keep em in shape in the winter.”
“What’ll the barn be for? Won’t you keep all the horses in the stables or corrals?”
“Ahh yes. We will keep our two milking cows in the barn, along with our horses that are expecting soon or are injured. We’ll also have the petting zoo with goats in the barn, just for you, Mom.”
“Awesome. I guess you’d better put an ad in the paper for a husband that’ll give you all this.”, my mother said with a chuckle.
“Yeah right. WANTED: Husband who will give me everything I want.”, I returned with a laugh.
“Something like that.”, my mother returned with a smile.
“Oh, I can’t forget that on our honeymoon we’re going to ride horses down the beach. I hate the beach, but I think riding horses down the shore line would be so awesome.” I said.
“Oh, that sounds like fun. You’d better start looking, you only have 3-5 years” Mom replied jokingly.
I laughed with her. It was a fun conversation.
“But, you know, the probability of this happening is, like, 1 in 100000000000000000. Or something.” I said with a sigh. ”But it’s always fun to imagine a perfect life.”
“Haha, yeah.”, my mother finished as we pulled into our driveway.
My dream has been the same for about 6 years now, though it changes mildly thourgh the years. =)

Dreams are fun. And pretty funny, considering they always change as soon as the time comes. I love to dream. Thinking about what my perfect house would look like, the perfect vacation(which, by the way, would be at the Galapogus Islands), and the perfect life. But, of course, then you hit reality, and you realize that the perfect house is wherever your family is, and that the perfect vacation may be a weekend spent with your friends, and the perfect life is the one your living at the present. Every time I start to think about what my perfect anything would be, I stop and look up from where I sit. I see a family who loves me and that I love tremendously. I see friends who smile at me and make me feel like the luckiest person in the world, which I think I am. =) I see a life full of mistakes, sorrows, joy, and happiness… but that joy I feel when one of my brothers gives me one of their goofy grins, or that overflowing happiness I feel when I laugh with my friends would not be nearly as enjoyable if there was no grief or sadness. Where is joy if there is no sorrow, and where in reconciliation without mistakes? 
So even as I dream away, I remember the gifts God has given me already. And I realize that really, I have everything I could ever desire.

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